Tuesday 16 March 2010

Music ideas

For the music we wanted to achieve a sound that confuses and disorientates the audience at times yet there also need to be times of calm. We will use music to symbolize the mans feelings and confused thoughts. We also will use music to give a contrast in the flashbacks.

For the main theme we want a weird song to create this confusion. I thought of looking for a band that fits into different genres, as this would hopefully create this mixed up feel. I decided to look at a mix of drum and bass and other music types. I used my ipod and the Internet to research artists. I came across a British Indian musician, composer and producer called Nit in Sawnhey. However when I tried to fit his music into the film it just did not fit. The songs I wanted had an Asian influence and it just sounded incoherent. So instead I looked into a similar vein of music and decided to use Massive Attack. They have very emotive songs that build, which is a key factor I wanted in my film.

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