Tuesday 16 March 2010

filming and editing of scene 2

This scene is cut into two parts opening with the man talking in the grave yard and then a series of flashback showing what he has done wrong. The scene opens with a mid shot of the man and he is centre of the shot. This gave a sort of formal beginning to the scene. There is a transition in this shot from the non-diajetic voice over to the man talking out loud showing his emotion to the audience. This is a feature I used throughout the film to engage the audience. The plotline is in the mans head whilst he interjects with diegetic interruptions of his thought highlighting the key points. There are two more shots after this and I played around with the compostioning of the shot, to add to the interest of the viewing otherwise the audience would be staring at the man straight on and get very bored. I used the Sam mid shot and just moved it the left and then to the right in the next shot. I feel this not only looks good but also helps the film flow.

The scene then moves to the flashbacks going over what the man did wrong. At first there were 5 or six different flashback in this scene, some with the man working in an office, then talking to his secretary and another of his family. He also did have a baby with his wife in the original script. The extra scenes had to be cut for timing, highlighting the difficulty to get across a dramatic plot based film into the conventions of a 5-minute short film. Also on the note of the couple having a family in the first script, that had to be cut because when it came to the final edit there wasn’t really a need or any relevance to having a baby in the script, and in the end was cut too make sure we didn’t procrastinate and complicate the already heavy plotline.

I thought we could show the issue of him having an affair very briefly in one shot, so decided to use a leg in stockings appearing in an almost clichéd way, allowing the audience to bring their own thoughts from other films into this film; basically we didn’t have time for an elaborate romance so left the pretty standard affair story up to the audience. This I feel are factor most short films had to contend with and often rely on comparisons with other mainstream films to fit them into certain genres and aid with the back ground to the story.

This scene had a circulatory structure, ending with the same shot that we opened the scene with. This time however the man is talking and sums up his thoughts on the whole affair; basically he'd do it again. This part of the plot was to give the man quite a difficult personality; I wanted this in the plot because I didn’t want people to feel totally sorry for him as at times he is arrogant and people can also draw certain moral issues with society if they so wish. His controversial character is supposed to divide your feelings so in the end you don’t know if you support him because he lost his way or think he deserved all that happened to him because of his actions.

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