Wednesday 17 March 2010

Audience feed back results

I handed my questionnaire out to 16 people who watched the film. The results were interesting and helped to measure the successes in the film and also a few not so strong parts.

The results of the first question with the rating was a great and well-appreciated result with 13 people giving it 4/5. There was even one 5!! This was surprising to me but I hope it truly represents people’s thoughts on the film. Other successful result was that every single participant agreed the film flowed and said the editing was smooth. This technical side was a main goal of my film, as I wanted to achieve an artistic edge to the film, as well as the plotline.

Most of the participants understood the twist and did not see it coming. However some of the participants said that the film could do with more flashbacks, hinting that some of the graveyard scenes were too long. Despite this on the whole I think that the film had more successes than failures according to the questionnaire. All of the participants said that they would recommend the film to other people and the film kept them hooked. I also got some constructive criticism with the last question with people saying there could have been added focus on his childhood and family life. This was included in the film originally but had to be cut for time. However this does tell me this story could be fitted into a feature length film, because of the strong plot line.


These results proved helpful and receiving this recognition gave me as a director confidence in the film. These questionnaires will help greatly with my evaluation, so thank you people.

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