Thursday 21 January 2010

Short films

The term was derived in North American and referred to films of around 20 to 40 minutes. In britain and europe however the term relates to a film spanning from a minute up to 15 minutes. Short films often focus on the visual whereas the american focus more on character. In this respect I feel that my short film has characteristics of the two; on a basic level it slots into the European idea of a short film as it is limited to 5 minutes, yet the script is based more on character mixed with the visual side. short films can also be used to test out new technologies or new camera work. We are using quite a few different camera angles and the use of flashbacks gives the film the abstract edginess, which is added to by the mystery of the script. Short films often have little or no budget, as do we, so rely on the camera angles and the editing to get the ideas portrayed. We have to do this and also have to rely on the acting, as the acting is pivotal to the suspense of the film, and with very little chance to use special effects we have to rely on the acting and editing, as do many short films.

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