Thursday 14 January 2010

locations, props and costumes

For the film the main shooting location is in a graveyard. the graveyard had to have quite new gravestones, as the man has only recently died. We visited a few graveyard's around the town and found the perfect church, situated on a hill. The graveyard has good natural lighting, especially at sun set which cast a dramatic light over everything. It also has some interesting features, such as sculptures. It also has old and new gravestones, which is the main factor we wanted.
     For the flashback and future scenes we needed to shoot in a house, at a party, in an office and on a street. We used the our main actor jack's house. It is situated in the middle of a town and is medium sized, which is the type of location our main character would be likely to live in. For the office we shot in an office at the school.
     The main character is meant to look as if he has had a long night and ended up sleeping in the graveyard. He is meant to be quite well off and have the look of a fallen man. we decided to put him in a shirt and a jacket to give this idea of a one time professional man. the jacket is however grey and quite worn to give the idea that he's not washed it and been sleeping rough recently. The jacket only features in the scenes in which he has began to fall apart, for instance he is not wearing it in the office scene however when he is walking down the street he is wearing it.
     The most difficult prop we had to find was a gun. We could have just bought a cheap plastic toy gun from a toy shop however I wanted it to have a realism. I asked around and my friend had a replica bb-gun, which was perfect for the short scene. 

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