Thursday 14 January 2010

shooting script-Scene one

Scene 1

Start with black screen with music quite loud and weird. Title appears on black screen followed by directors name. Then a few more seconds of black screen and suddenly music stops and screen cuts to a medium close up of the man sitting by gravestone with diajetic sounds that are naturally there. The man looks down at his wrists and the camera follows his gaze, in a documentary style way, for a few moments and then slowly looks up, in sync with the camera, and looks right into camera. Non-diajetic voice over of mans thoughts. He tells the viewer of his feeling of isolation in the past two weeks, with people ignoring him. the camera switches to a longer shot if the whole of the man, the gravestone and a few gravestones behind. The camera, using the man as a pivot point moves around him in a 360 degree pan, while the man is talking. There are flashes of him walking down the street being ignored. In the flashback the man is in colour  whilst everyone else is in black and white. The flashback only last a few seconds while the man is talking about people ignoring him. the shot fades back to graveyard with the man still talking. The next shot is in the graveyard with a high angle medium close up of the man talking, as if the viewer is looking down at this man. He talks about what he has to do to be recognized, for example murdering someone, and here we have a short cut to him holding a gun to someones head in a long shot. This seen is meant to be darkly comedic and only last briefly. The shot fades back to the graveyard with the non diajetic thoughts of the man as he tries to pick up a cigarette of his lap. The camera again follows his gaze in a medium close up shot, like a documentary. The man can’t grasp a cigarette and he blames it on his alcohol consumsion. He looks back up at the camera and exclaims he hasn’t done anything but sit on this grave for days. The shot last a few seconds as the music gets louder for a few seconds and the camera fade to black with the music louder.


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