Thursday 21 January 2010

First Scene

We have shot and edited most of the first scene. We have achieved the opening that we wanted with the fade to black and the two establishing shots of the graveyard. It has a very calm feel, which is what I wanted to achieve the quiet nature of the graveyard. The title is basic giving no indication to the plot and the twist ending of the film. We could have used a Halloween styled font, which would give the plot away, like feature films do, but as this is a short film we wanted the title to give nothing away. The film followed the script and the shots have fitted together well. We may have to cut some of the opening scene down, to focus more on the plot. Also we have to add the voice over, but we will do this when the whole film has been edited properly. 


We have done all of the filming now apart from one scene, which we are shooting tomorrow, and then next week we can get down to finishing the whole first cut of the film, and seeing if we need to add scenes. We can then begin to put in the music and the voice over.

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