Thursday 21 January 2010

film posters: The Machinist

The Machinist is a psychological thriller directed by Brad Anderson released in 2004. the film is written by Scott Kosar and stars Christian Bale. the film is in the same vein as our film as it involves a character with a problem, and because of the problem is isolated from society; In this case Bale's character Trevor has insomnia and has progressively lost weight to a worrying level. his insomnia makes him act erratically and his strange behavior leads him to be isolated from everyone, as work colleagues stay away from him. Therefore i thought of looking at the films poster in order to look for influences for my film.
             To begin with the poster strikes the viewer with its plain but striking look. The only text is the title in large bold font at the bottom of the page with a small tag line at the top. it also has the name of the actor so as to draw in fans of the actor. the poster reveals very little about the film and the tag line is pretty ambiguous, as it states a name 'trevor' and reads that he is 'four letters from the truth'. this statement is very open ended as it could have multiple meanings, leaving the very plot of the film in mystery. i really like this idea, as the poster links in with the mystery of the film, focusing on a small part of the film, in this case a post it note with hangman on it. This post makes the viewer think and causes intrigue, which i will try to duplicate in my film poster. 

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