Monday 23 November 2009

audience research:questionairre and evaluation


This is a questionnaire I gave out to research what people like in films, especially thrillers and films with monologues. I gave them to 7 males and 6 females. This would have only slightly biased the result in favor of the male point of view.

It is not surprising that all of the males said they like thrillers, as there are many mainstream male thriller films. However only 3 of the females said they liked thrillers maybe hinting my audience should be slightly more male based. Both sexes said there had to be 'a lot of action' in the thrillers and 'interesting stories'. The fact that they see action as important pushes me away from mainstream fillers, and I will aim to make more of a psychological thriller mixed with drama. This I feel my monologue already has which is positive. Another positive almost all but two said they like to see a murder or death in a film and all said they like to be shocked. A surprising aspect was that more females said they like to have least a certain element of comedy in films than the males. This could be down to an anomaly, as I would have assumed the males are generally more into comedy then females. Obviously not! However this does help me as I will try and incorporate some of the comedy elements of the monologue script to target a wider audience. A final interesting and helpful idea I got from this research was that 'eerie' and somber' and 'exciting' music is associated with Thrillers. This research has shown me how to make a film suitable for a real audience and what the general feeling is towards plot based films and thrillers. I think the film will be more of a drama with a bit of comedy and a thriller-istic end!

My name is Charlie Quainton and I am studying A level media at Sheldon School. This is a questionnaire to do initial research into what people want to see out of short film. Thank you for your time and circle appropriate.

1) Male / Female
2) Do you like Thrillers? Yes No
3) What would you say defines a thriller? ___________________________________________________________
4) Do you like thrillers have to involve a death/murder of some kind? Yes No
5) Do you like a lot of action in your films? Yes No
6) If no what films do you prefer? ________________________________
7) Do you like there to be a strong plot in a film? Yes No
8) Do you like being shocked when you see a film? Yes No
9) Do you like monologues in films? Yes No
10) Do you think all films need elements of comedy? Yes No
11) What kind of music do you associate with Thrillers? ____________________________
Thankyou for your time x

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