Thursday 19 November 2009


   The 6th Sense. The film was made in 1999 and is a psychological thriller. I am reviewing this film because our film is based on the same genre. Other similarities included are the use of ghosts and a strange twist at the end, which the audience does not realize has been hinted out throughout the film. M.Night Shyamalan who is renowned for twist endings directed the 6th sense. He directed latter films like Signs and The Happening, which both are in the same genre and have an unexpected twist. The film was nominated for 6 Academy Awards. 

The film tells the story of a small boy named Coal Sear, an isolated boy that has the ability to see dead people; the sixth sense. A child psychologist played by Bruce Willis who also has troubles helps him. He tries to help the boy in tackling the ghosts and helps out the ghosts. When the boy seems to have resolve his problems Willis is still troubled and finds out that he himself died. I like how the film creates mystery around Willis' character, as you never know what his problem is. He also has flashbacks but never lies his thoughts upon the issue that he is dead, a factor we will try to include in our film. It turns out that he was killed in the first scene of the film yet the audience has no idea till the end. This mystery creates the suspense at the end of the film, an aspect that I would also like to draw into our film.  

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