Thursday 5 November 2009

Film plan

The film needs one man for the ghost and a woman for his ex-wife. The film won’t just be of the man sitting by his grave talking but will flash back to brief glimpses of the events, like a flashback to the bathroom where he killed himself. This is to create a sense of confusion bringing the viewer into the feelings of this man. We will need to shoot in a graveyard and a bathroom and an office like room.

Media A2 Production Proposal October 09

Name(s):     Charlie Quainton and Michael Wallingto

Current outline of plot and ideas:  Based on a monologue I wrote last year about a man sitting by a gravestone talking about the state of his life. He begins with how lately he feels no one notices him and he feels alone and goes on to reveal the dramatic events surrounding his life from alcoholism to divorce from his wife and losing his child. He then becomes delirious and sees flashes of events eventually realizing he had in fact committed suicide in his bathroom and was sitting on his grave. He gradually fades away for good. We will use lots of fast cutting and flashbacks to create the confusion.


Own camera(s) or school’s? Schools

Where will you be filming?  Does this involve permissions – whose?Filming in a graveyard mainly which may need permission.  Also need a bathroom and office building.

How many people and who, including the named above “team”, will be involved e.g. actors?We need one man and a woman. We will be filming.

When will you be filming? Can all the team manage this arrangement?After half term. We will schedule a date when everyone is available.

Outline your three major expected problems on planning / shooting.Timing, location and arrangements will be the hardest aspects to manage on the project; getting everything together at one time to film.






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