Thursday 4 February 2010

Here are two more movie posters from films in the same vein as mine; they are both thrillers and involve twists in the plot. I like the poster of Sweeney Todd as it uses just one photo, which ties in with the film. It is mysterious, as it does not say much yet you can draw certain themes from it like the darkness and eerie tone of the film. People can also deduce the plot revolves around a man and it is not present day. I like the idea of one picture representing the whole film, as it conceals the plot line whilst enticing the audience. 

 The other poster is from the film fight club. This uses a different style of picture to keep the mystery in the film. The creators have taken one small aspect of the film, the soap and used it to advertise the whole thing. The picture has many connotations with the pink and the soap, which can be completely contrasted to the plot line of the film. I like the idea of small objects representing the film and would also like to incorporate it in my movie poster. I will try and use both methods in making my poster perhaps taking a picture of the graveyard and some prop from the film. Maybe the coat or the gun as they could lead the viewer to many ideas and keep the plot twists inconspicuous.