Thursday 24 September 2009

The Ungrateful Son-rewrite of Grimm tale

The Ungrateful Son-rewrite of Grimm tale

Gerald and Susan were perched about a small garden table at the front of their house. The house was a typical terrace abode with little space, enough only for a couple and child. Gerald and Susan had no children, so the small terrace and cheap rent kept them fine. The table around which they sat was cheap plastic mould of a table, costing them no more than ten pounds, including two garish chairs, which now matched the beige colour of the plastic table. And there they were sat, eating a pizza.
Now a pizza may not sounds very special but this pizza was designed with the intention of clogging arteries, so naturally had every specimen of meat on top melded together with twelve types of cheese. Gerald loved pizza. He could have eaten the whole oily mess for himself, which explains the forthcoming events.
In the middle of a great bite of the greasy monster, Gerald spied his elderly father arriving for his weekly chat. His father was just heaving his arthritis ridden body from the car, when Gerald jumped up and rushed inside with the pizza, away from his father who was at best malnourished. Gerald made a hasty return, bringing a tumbler of water for his exasperated father but with no pizza insight for the old man, apart from one of the twelve cheeses that stained his lips. Gerald said ‘Hello Dad,’ and sat down.
His father stayed for an hour than left, looking ever so pale leaving Gerald and Susan alone with the pizza. However Susan only had a bite whilst Gerald devoured the entire confection. Down it went and that was that…or so Gerald thought…
The next day, on the way to work Gerald’s heart, put under pressure from the fat that now clogging his vena cava, exploded resulting in Gerald’s car crashing into an oncoming lorry, which in turn sent the car tumbling from the road in a ball of fire.
When the coroners report revealed the precise cause of Gerald’s death no one was surprised; Gerald’s greed was endless, and one two many pizza’s pushed his heart to exploding point; if only he shared with his aged father maybe greedy Gerald would still be around. Poor Gerald, rest in peace.

Thursday 17 September 2009

Bonjour. This is my A2 Media blog on the production and creation of my short film. Thats all for now. xx